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Picobot Help

# Hashtag lines are optional comments

0 *x** -> E 0
0 *E** -> S 3 
3 ***x -> S 3   
3 ***S -> N 2 
2 x*** -> N 2   

# state 0 with something to the N: go W + into st 1 
# ** This will crash if picobot has a wall to the W! **
2 N*** -> W 1 

# state 1 with nothing to the S: go one step S
1 ***x -> S 1   

# state 1 with something to the S: stay put + into state 0
1 ***S -> W 2   
picobot_help.1488899663.txt.gz · Последние изменения: 2019/06/24 20:29 (внешнее изменение)